I'm kinda....
* Missing somebody right now, his perfume, his smell. XD
* Happy cause i didn't fail any papers. Thank God.
* Somebody keep my secret as his. I know i can always count on you.
* HAND ITCHY NOW!! Haha....somebody will definitely know what's that suppose to mean.
* Like somebody who are currently reading this blog now. XD
* So much in Love right now.
Sorry for not posting anything for so long. Was busy with so_Many_Pending_stuff before this. Will try to spent some time here ya next time.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
If I Ain't Got You
Listen to the song ' Lips Of An Angel" by Hinder now while blogging..i know it's an old song..but it's really nice.. well, that songs reminds me of a "stranger". One of my friend asked me, Have you ever feels like you are been so close with certain people but you actually don't really know who is him/her? Even though you and that person is in a relationship or husband and wife?? Or the 1st person that you see when you opened your eyes in the next morning on your bed? Well, trust me..i won't be surprise if i heard some of the answer say "yes". Sometimes strangers could be the one who were being so closed to you. You know? And that feelings were not so good. It just like you are one of his or her responsibility or can say "burden" sometimes...
It's not easy to let other people to understand what are we thinking especially guys since they are from the different planet so call 'Mars'. I'm totally agree with this.. Try to talk peacefully to your loves ones when you are really mad with him or her. Believe me or not, this is the most hardest part for everyone especially me. In the past, the more angry I'm, the more louder i will talk. or so call "yell". Even neighbour next door can hear what i yell at. To be honest, I might not as good temper or so forgiving as other girls. When i can't accept something, i just can't.
Some sweet memories just will stick in the mind no matter how much you want to forget it. Even though it does not involved money or valuable presents. For example me in the past, counting coins in his coin box (savings) together in the room with your loves one. This is one of the sweetest memory i still remember till now. Wee... I just loves the feelings when we did things together even though it is kinda bored for certain people. Some people might said "Cheh, just counting coins ma..what so nice about it?" As i remember, his coins almost reach RM200. which he said he gonna save it more to marry me..wakaka.. sweet to hear, hard to forget i guess. But its really sweet still, his serious face when doing stuff. And his cute lil handsome face when he sleep on my shoulder sometimes late at night and doesn't want to go home. Manja a bit when he was sick even though he was normally the macho type. (You Know who you are... ya, i still remember. hehe)
Don't worry everyone, I'm good and okay. With him and everyone. Hehe. Don't worry don't worry. Just to share some stuff with you guys since my little good friend facing the same problems as what I'd go through last time. Be strong and follows what your heart says.
If I Ain't Got You... =D
It's not easy to let other people to understand what are we thinking especially guys since they are from the different planet so call 'Mars'. I'm totally agree with this.. Try to talk peacefully to your loves ones when you are really mad with him or her. Believe me or not, this is the most hardest part for everyone especially me. In the past, the more angry I'm, the more louder i will talk. or so call "yell". Even neighbour next door can hear what i yell at. To be honest, I might not as good temper or so forgiving as other girls. When i can't accept something, i just can't.
Some sweet memories just will stick in the mind no matter how much you want to forget it. Even though it does not involved money or valuable presents. For example me in the past, counting coins in his coin box (savings) together in the room with your loves one. This is one of the sweetest memory i still remember till now. Wee... I just loves the feelings when we did things together even though it is kinda bored for certain people. Some people might said "Cheh, just counting coins ma..what so nice about it?" As i remember, his coins almost reach RM200. which he said he gonna save it more to marry me..wakaka.. sweet to hear, hard to forget i guess. But its really sweet still, his serious face when doing stuff. And his cute lil handsome face when he sleep on my shoulder sometimes late at night and doesn't want to go home. Manja a bit when he was sick even though he was normally the macho type. (You Know who you are... ya, i still remember. hehe)
Don't worry everyone, I'm good and okay. With him and everyone. Hehe. Don't worry don't worry. Just to share some stuff with you guys since my little good friend facing the same problems as what I'd go through last time. Be strong and follows what your heart says.
If I Ain't Got You... =D
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Happy Birthday, SaMantha~
Yesterday was my birthday...it was so much fun...release tension also at the same time.... DO I LOOK LIKE A STUDENT THAT GONNA HAVING EXAM ON THIS SATURDAY??? Oh gosh....Not need to answer..i know the answers already.
Okey, Let pictures explained everthing.... XD

Okey, Let pictures explained everthing.... XD
Looking for what to eat coz i'm starving
Best Friends for life
Raymond & me....while waiting for food.
My birthday cake..Its cheese+chocolate..Yummy
Hehe..instead of me make a wish...look at him. May be he know my wishes gua~ lols
"I'm so gonna eat you up later"..wakaka

Friday, April 24, 2009
Soho Nite~
Yesterday nite went to Soho with my friends....release tension. Haha...our main goal went there was to play pool actually.But ended Up....(cause got people playing)
This morning i have Accounting Managerial 101 presentation....Luckily i did overcome my nervous and didn't ended up with self disappointment (like my previous presentation at EIB). Among 10+ group, our group was the last to present. Haih....not really like to be the last actually. Cause it's so boring while waiting for our turn. Quite satisfied with my own performance this time...wakaka. Hehe..Peace out
This morning i have Accounting Managerial 101 presentation....Luckily i did overcome my nervous and didn't ended up with self disappointment (like my previous presentation at EIB). Among 10+ group, our group was the last to present. Haih....not really like to be the last actually. Cause it's so boring while waiting for our turn. Quite satisfied with my own performance this time...wakaka. Hehe..Peace out
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hmm...yesterday just got my Macroeconomics 101 Mid Semester result... Well...i get 11 over 15%. Not really satisfied with it.. But still quite grateful also la i got 11... (Hehe..scared later God punished me for been ungrateful)
Dang..Here comes the bad news... I have 2 exams on Thursday and 1 assignment on Friday. Wish me luck ya everyone....
And I'm kinda settled my personal problems already lately... Thanks to my friends who always there for me. Lau, Liloo...etc. And my dearest best friend, Heidi Tay going to back Miri soon liau lo...cannot wait. And for sure to celebrate my BIG DAY with me... Oops..If you happened to see this, I gonna say to you that i'm so proud of you....You doing A GREAT JOB during the arts exhibition at your university. Too bad I'm not there..sob sob.
Here are some awesome and creative arts that she did. Here it is...
Look closer~~ Thats all the pictures of her brother on "her hair" try to imagine how long is her hair. So many hard works to make all this done.
Dang..Here comes the bad news... I have 2 exams on Thursday and 1 assignment on Friday. Wish me luck ya everyone....
And I'm kinda settled my personal problems already lately... Thanks to my friends who always there for me. Lau, Liloo...etc. And my dearest best friend, Heidi Tay going to back Miri soon liau lo...cannot wait. And for sure to celebrate my BIG DAY with me... Oops..If you happened to see this, I gonna say to you that i'm so proud of you....You doing A GREAT JOB during the arts exhibition at your university. Too bad I'm not there..sob sob.
Here are some awesome and creative arts that she did. Here it is...

Thursday, April 16, 2009
I wish..
I wish...
~ I can forget everything in the past..
~ I can turn back time..and not to do the same mistakes as what i did before.
~ to have my own car. (Dreams come true) Wee...Thanks dad.
~ to see somebody change (which are yet to be change)
~ the people who stole everything from me, will get what he or she deserved. God Knows everything.
~ to have my dream job after graduated. (still In the progress)
~ to go Australia with my future husband.
~ to have my dream house which are ...etc
~ to see somebody special during my birthday night. (which are end of this month)
~ I can forget everything in the past..
~ I can turn back time..and not to do the same mistakes as what i did before.
~ to have my own car. (Dreams come true) Wee...Thanks dad.
~ to see somebody change (which are yet to be change)
~ the people who stole everything from me, will get what he or she deserved. God Knows everything.
~ to have my dream job after graduated. (still In the progress)
~ to go Australia with my future husband.
~ to have my dream house which are ...etc
~ to see somebody special during my birthday night. (which are end of this month)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
A lil wish on Good Friday...
Lately, there are something bothering me... I just can't accept so call "past tense friend" to become my "present tense friend"..I can forgive but i can't forget everything that person did in the past. Am i really forgive that somebody already?? I really don't know. I wish somebody can give me the answer. Telling me that I'm right... H mm... left 10 more days and semester break will gonna finish. Revision, assignments, presentations all still pending...wish i still got 10 more days to play...Oops, to do revision etc. Hehe.


Thursday, April 9, 2009
I'm Back...A little too enjoyed my holidays till i forgot to updated my blog. Sorry ya for the people who visit my blog which i haven't updated before this.
Hmm...where should i start? I went to watch fast and furious on the 2nd day it was release. Well, i can't denied that the movie was really really cool and nice. People who haven't watch, i strongly recommended you guys to watch. If not, regret for life oh...Haha. And watched Shinjuku Iccident the day after that. Not so nice lo for me as Jackie Chan died in the end. I'm Broke...
Yesterday night went to SOHO with college friend. Lepak-ing there as i really quite a long time didn't meet her already. Eating SOHO'S pizza which was not so nice and Expensive. Talking and 3 8 -ing with my friend there. Thru my frined, I just found out that my former college gonna install CCTV in the classroom. Wow, shocking. I wonder its a good thing or bad thing or not. Really high tech-. Before leave, actually wanna play pool. But too bad, got people playing. Owh.. really didn't play for years already.
After that went to PBC (Piasau Boat Club)...nothing change. The only thing changed was the people who accompany me there. Having lots of fun still. Thanks Albee. You're the GIRL. Haha.. Talking bout PBC, there were lots of awful things happened there in the past. But i really loves the beach there, just not the person who ever bring me there..
Backstabbers are always around. Just kinda dissapointed with certain people which like to simply making up stories bout me. I'm still Samantha Huong no matter where i'm. The people who backstab me behind my back plz la..if you are envy or what, just tell me ok?? Remember, what you give you will get it back from me. You won't love it if i stab you back.
After Home, managed to take some picts...Hehe... Wee, XD
Hmm...where should i start? I went to watch fast and furious on the 2nd day it was release. Well, i can't denied that the movie was really really cool and nice. People who haven't watch, i strongly recommended you guys to watch. If not, regret for life oh...Haha. And watched Shinjuku Iccident the day after that. Not so nice lo for me as Jackie Chan died in the end. I'm Broke...
Yesterday night went to SOHO with college friend. Lepak-ing there as i really quite a long time didn't meet her already. Eating SOHO'S pizza which was not so nice and Expensive. Talking and 3 8 -ing with my friend there. Thru my frined, I just found out that my former college gonna install CCTV in the classroom. Wow, shocking. I wonder its a good thing or bad thing or not. Really high tech-. Before leave, actually wanna play pool. But too bad, got people playing. Owh.. really didn't play for years already.
After that went to PBC (Piasau Boat Club)...nothing change. The only thing changed was the people who accompany me there. Having lots of fun still. Thanks Albee. You're the GIRL. Haha.. Talking bout PBC, there were lots of awful things happened there in the past. But i really loves the beach there, just not the person who ever bring me there..
Backstabbers are always around. Just kinda dissapointed with certain people which like to simply making up stories bout me. I'm still Samantha Huong no matter where i'm. The people who backstab me behind my back plz la..if you are envy or what, just tell me ok?? Remember, what you give you will get it back from me. You won't love it if i stab you back.
After Home, managed to take some picts...Hehe... Wee, XD
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Yesterday one of the people that i hate the most asking for my forgiveness. What the heck is going on to him?? Need somebody to talk to...?? Sorry, I'm not the one who will listen on all the craps that you gonna said. There are too many things that i cannot forgive you even though it was the past.
If you are really sorry for what you had done, please just stay away from my life.. It's you who teach me become so cold blooded to you like now. Well, like i said i can be very mean if you are forcing me for something that i don't like. Stop giving me those "friendly warning" which also = bull shits that you create.
Don't blame me for being so mean and cruel. Ya, you are so right bout what you said yesterday! You are not deserved any forgiveness from me. And you want to know why right? That's because we are not friends nor enemies. Piss off.
If you are really sorry for what you had done, please just stay away from my life.. It's you who teach me become so cold blooded to you like now. Well, like i said i can be very mean if you are forcing me for something that i don't like. Stop giving me those "friendly warning" which also = bull shits that you create.
Don't blame me for being so mean and cruel. Ya, you are so right bout what you said yesterday! You are not deserved any forgiveness from me. And you want to know why right? That's because we are not friends nor enemies. Piss off.
Finally the semester break is approaching. Thank God I'm still alive. Which means that i can rest myself n do facial..Nah, just joking. Do facial with all the due date assignments got la. hehe. (which means cannot facial, shopping etc) Owhhhh..too bad. Just like what my Acc 101 Lecturer said "Its a sin u didn't do revision while u bringing the 10kg text book back to your hometown without open it" So friends who are reading this blog don't forget to do some revision ya. If not, sinned. Haha..
In this semester break, i gonna...
(1) WATCH FAST AND FURIOUS 4. It a must..
(2) Do some shopping which i already promised Lau not to. (hope he's not reading this) XD
(3) Gonna move myself to my 2nd home which is Pustaka Miri to do my assignments. =(
(4) Go to Curtin's Open Day.
(5) Play left for dead if possible.
Owh..how i gonna have enough time for all this?? Semester Break just 2 weeks man. Wish i got 48 hours in a day during this 2 weeks..ahhha.
Curtin Open day just on the 4th April. Anyone who are interested can go to campus and have a look. It's 10 anniverssary. I think there are doing it quite a grand way. So do come to have a look ya.
In this semester break, i gonna...
(1) WATCH FAST AND FURIOUS 4. It a must..
(2) Do some shopping which i already promised Lau not to. (hope he's not reading this) XD
(3) Gonna move myself to my 2nd home which is Pustaka Miri to do my assignments. =(
(4) Go to Curtin's Open Day.
(5) Play left for dead if possible.
Owh..how i gonna have enough time for all this?? Semester Break just 2 weeks man. Wish i got 48 hours in a day during this 2 weeks..ahhha.
Curtin Open day just on the 4th April. Anyone who are interested can go to campus and have a look. It's 10 anniverssary. I think there are doing it quite a grand way. So do come to have a look ya.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Samantha..Keep It Up.
Today was my first presentation at Curtin. I feel that I'm not doing good enough. But the evaluation's n facilitation's group said that it was good enough for a beginner at Curtin like me. Not really sure whether its true or not since i'm not the type that easy in trusting people. Actually quite dissapointed with my own performance since i'm quite a "kia su" person. It is "kia su" that bring me to this stage. If not, i don't know where do i ended up now.
And one more thing, today our lecture hall out of electricity supply. I think it might because of the security thought that we were finished our lecture already that time since its quite late. Due to no electricity then the lecturers said that she gonna dismiss the class for today. When i get ready to chao then there are electricity. Oh No, is this a joke or what?? hehe, sinCe its april fool.
Well, luckily i didn't get fooled by anyone today. hehe..peace.
Happy April Fool..
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